Homepage renewal notice
We are pleased to announce the renewal ofYOUNGHWATECHhomepage as of 3 March 2014and welcome youto visit our web pgae.As you can see, ourhomepage has been completely renewed to be more convenient and user friendly.We will make our homepage more informative to be useful for you.If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us atyhtec@yhtec.comWe willappreciate your continuous interest and support in advance.…
공지 Homepage renewal notice
We are pleased to announce the renewal ofYOUNGHWATECHhomepage as of 3 March 2014and welcome youto visit our web pgae.As you can see, ourhomepage has been completely renewed to be more convenient and user friendly.We will make our homepage more informative to be useful for you.If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us atyhtec@yhtec.comWe willappreciate your continuous interest and support in advance.…
Please examine diverse projects of Younghwa Tech.
The revolution of eco-friendly vehicles begins with parts for electric vehicles, the energy system and a junction box.
Please check new updates of Younghwa Tech.
Younghwa is the company who dreams of a customer impression beyond customer satisfaction.

Younghwa Tech challenges for better future.
The R&D of technology continues for eco-friendly vehicles.
- Quality Management Activities